Rescue Pup Print

Rescue Pup

Novel,  Orca, 2004,  101 Pages 

Shakespeare wriggled joyously and reared up to lick Tessa's chin. He expected even this girl to love him on sight. Everybody always had. But Tessa was not everybody. She parted her knees and let him slither to the floor.

Shakespeare is a Seeing Eye puppy. But before the time comes for him to train with a blind person, he must spend six months with a girl who has never learned to love. He does all he can to teach her, but the job places him in some dangerous situations and by the end of the story he has earned the title Rescue Pup.

Jean Little is one of Canada's most beloved writers for children. She is also blind and currently living with her third Seeing Eye dog. Three times she has traveled to the Seeing Eye headquarters in New Jersey to train with a dog, first Zephyr, then Ritz and now Pippa. For years she has thought about writing a book about the training of a guide dog puppy. Now she has done it, but Shakespeare is not just any dog. Jean is also the author of Birdie for Now (Orca, 2002) and I Gave My Mom a Castle (Orca, 2003).

Rescue Pup is the first of two books in a series.
Book two is Forward, Shakespeare!